
Golden spiral tattoos
Golden spiral tattoos

golden spiral tattoos

The classic black ink used for tattooing the image is fine, if you would like to add color, a suggestion would be to add green, due to the Celtic origin. This symbol can be found in many places during the times of the Ancient Celtic, it is both a hypnotizing and alluring symbol that will never run out of style or meaning. These spirals represent life, death, and everything between. The mind, body, spirit, the spiraling forces of time are just a few examples. Just like the single spiral, these three spirals all represent many things. All done with one line, these spirals are all connected together in a group creating three separate mini spirals. Triad is a conversion of three things, in this case it is the spirals. This symbol goes by a couple of different names such as the triple spiral and the triskele. If the one image of a spiral is not enough or you just want to show pride in your culture, the celtic triad spiral is a great recommendation.

golden spiral tattoos

Another version of the luna goddess spiral is instead of just showing the one spiral, there are multiple spirals throughout her whole body, as if the woman is made up of these symbols all being contained within her frame. This image can be done in a couple of different ways and adding color is completely up to you. The great mystery of the world and creation of life all reside within the womb of the woman. The woman with the spiral represents all things that are life. The spiral represents the genesis of light that is within the darkness of the womb. Because women are the ones that give birth and hold the baby in the womb. This spiral in particular is special to womanhood in a sense that the spiral is the giver of all life. This spiral like every symbol of the spiral represents many things. In the middle of her body however, near her hips, is the spiral. What this design is, is the outline of a woman with her hands above her head and connected together. This symbol holds very dear to those who are into spirituality, especially if you are a woman. The luna goddess spiral is one that has been used throughout ancient history and time. Down below will be examples of the spiral tattoo and different variations of how it can be done.

golden spiral tattoos

Spirals can represent balance as well as change, a way of centering the mind to a peaceful state. It is a reminder of our own spiritual path and adventure through the lives we lead. Images of the spiral are seen everywhere in life, from plants and minerals, to animals and our very own anatomy, life, death, and all that is in between above and beyond is all within the spiral of time. This symbol represents spiritual growth and development of evolution. In the spiritual world, the spiral is actually the oldest symbol that is used for ancient spiritual practices and rituals. The spiral falls into the category of ‘ancient symbols’. Believe it or not, the image of a swirled, spiral, is pretty ancient. Not only does this symbol look unlike any other, it can be incorporated in many different ways. When looking into it more closely however, you will find that the spiral tattoo is much more than just a design but holds strong significance and symbolism in the world as we know it. At first glance, the spiral tattoo can be just another simple, hypnotizing design.

Golden spiral tattoos